Friday, November 1, 2013

Update 11/1

This week we carved pumpkins and went trick or treating. For pics see my post titled Halloween.Xavier has been sick all week. It started with a runny nose last Friday. By Saturday afternoon he got a pretty bad cough. We took him in to urgent care where he was diagnosed with croup. We got him all his medications right away and the croupy cough subsided within a day or two. He still has a cough now, but it is more normal. He is still getting medicine twice a day- morning and night. His daycare gave me a blank booklet to decorate with him-all about me. I plan to put some pictures in it, let him draw/color in it, and maybe put some feathers or grass in it to represent outside (he loves to be outdoors).

Xavier also got Dad sick. Drake started feeling sick around Monday. That is usually how it happens. Xavier catches something at daycare and passes is to Drake almost immediately. Xavier usually gets over it within a week, but Drake usually stays sick for a few weeks. Sometimes I will get sick too, but usually not as bad as either of the boys. Hopefully this time follows that pattern!

I have been so busy! And it just gets worse. I have a test every week until Thanksgiving break- talk about stress!! I can't afford to get sick! I have been trying my hand at organization this week. I have started making  a"dinner menu" for the week. I planned out dinners for everyday of the week and went shopping for everything I needed at the beginning of the week. I really liked it and will try to stay on top of it. It was nice knowing what I was making that day and knowing I had the ingredients to make it!

Isobel will be here in 4 weeks! That's right I am 36 weeks pregnant as of yesterday- officially in the third trimester! I have gained a total of 12 lbs. Isobel moves 10 times about every half hour. At the last check up (Tuesday) her heart beat was in the 140's. When the doctor felt my tummy to see where Isobel was, she noticed I was having a braxton hicks contraction. I didn't feel it at all. I had to take out my belly ring today because it was hurting so bad. I think it was starting to get infected. The bottom was red and hurt bad, even if it was barely touched. I am no longer a cool young person with a pierced naval. I have traded up to a classy young mommy. ;)

We also had a family night this week. Drake brought home chocolate covered peeps and Monsters University after work on Wednesday. We ate dinner while the movie started and then ate our dessert as the movie finished. We all enjoyed the movie and the family time. Xavier really liked the movie! and the peeps of course! Drake and I enjoyed each other's company (our schedules have still been off). I enjoyed all of these things as well, but mostly I liked that we were all together as a family.

36 weeks!

Family night

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