With Xavier I struggled with breastfeeding. I had a very low supply and had to supplement with formula. After 3 months my body stopped producing all together. With Isobel I am able to breastfeed, but still struggle a little bit. Here are the things I have learned about breastfeeding:
1. Fluids and rest are the best things for milk production.
2.Supply and Demand! The more your baby nurses, the more your body will produce. On my off days, Isobel feeds more often (sometimes even every 30 minutes). By the end of the day I have so much milk I don't know what to do with it ( not literally! I pump it and freeze it for future use)
3.Supplementing is horrible for breastfeeding. Don't supplement unless absolutely necessary! If you must supplement always offer formula after you have breast fed.
4. If supplementation is not necessary, don't even keep formula in the house for those "just in case" moments. If you need the added security of making sure your baby has something to eat if your body fails you, pump after each feeding and keep it accessible. I do this because there are days when my body struggles to produce milk. I let Isobel eat from the breast until she is fed up with it (not to the point where she is inconsolable) and then give her a bottle of pre-pumped milk. I pump on the days when my body decides to go into overdrive and produces more than she eats.
5. Mother's milk tea does not work. I tried drinking this with X to increase my supply and never noticed a difference. It could work different for each person, but I would suggest increasing supply by adding certain foods to your diet. Oatmeal does wonders for milk production! I have oatmeal with ginger (which is also good for supply) every morning to boost my supply for the day.
6. Prenatal vitamins are a must. I notice a big change in my supply if I forget to take my prenatal vitamin. If I don't take my prenatal in the morning I notice a decrease for that day. If I remember it by lunch, my milk production usually comes back up in time for her bedtime feeding.
7. Stay close to your baby. Try not to spend too much time away from your baby. I know this is hard for working and/or school attending moms. When you are home spend as much time with your baby as you can. If you spend too much time away, your body will not produce as much.
8. Nurse as often as you can. Stimulation from your baby suckling is much better than pumping. Try to nurse as much as possible. Again I know this is hard for moms in school or work.
9. Feed your baby as soon as you see signs of hunger. If you wait until your baby is crying and upset it is harder to get them to latch. When you hear your baby cry, your body will "leak" milk. This is not only a waste of your supply, but also makes a mess. It can leak through your shirt.
10. Do your best to offer both breasts at one feeding. This is mostly just for your comfort. If your baby only eats from one breast at a time, your breasts will always be uneven which can feel very uncomfortable.
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