Friday, November 7, 2014


It has been a very long while since I have updated my blog. This semester is busy, busy, busy! I have this semester to finish and all of next semester before I am finished with my undergraduate. I will be graduating in May 2015. I can't wait!

Drake got a promotion at work. He is now a manager in training (MIT). This comes with a pay raise and more hours. For the first few weeks, he is working in the backroom. He is working 6-4 Monday-Friday. This means long days for him, which he is not used to yet. The kids seem to like having Dad home more often.

Xavier is learning so much. He sings most of the alphabet song (he still skips chunks). He can count to 5 in English on his own and also in Spanish with some help (he says gos instead of dos). He also shows the numbers on his fingers. We recently found out he is allergic to dairy, latex, and tropical fruits- including bananas. The last one is especially hard for him. He loves bananas and doesn't understand why we no longer have them in the house, or why he can no longer eat them.

Isobel is growing like a weed! She is now wearing size 12 months. I know she will be a year in a month, but that is a whole month away! I am not ready for her to be a year. She is walking everywhere now, trying hard to keep up with her brother. She has her two bottom from teeth in and her two top front teeth just broke through...yup at the same time. Poor girl!

Tomorrow I am taking the kids to a parade help by the university for homecoming. It should be fun :)

Shop Handmade

I sell crochet and paracord items on Shop Handmade. They are the same listings and prices as Etsy. This site is just easier to find things (in my opinion). Click here to visit my shop on Shop Handmade.


Visit my Etsy shop for fun crafts. I sell crochet crafts- mostly hats and cozies, but hopefully soon scarves and toys. I also sell paracord crafts. Click here to visit my shop.